

Observing Monkey Expressions

Monkeys are very much like human in many ways.
Some are just better looking than others.

The top 2 photos are pretty good looking monkeys, in my opinion.
Frankly, I enjoy the gaze from the first one.

Monkeys have 4 fingers and one thumb, just like human.
This monkey peeled the banana on its own and held on to the banana peel with its toes while it enjoys the banana.
Funny that it starts eating from the centre of the banana though.

Monkeys have many facial expressions just like human beings.
Enjoy the different monkey faces above; cool, calm, bewildered, shocked, peaceful, gloomy...
Personally, I don't quite like his punk hairstyle.

Some monkeys need company.
They go around in pairs.

Some monkeys prefer to work in a team.
What would happen if they eventually get the cannon to work?

This one seems to be withdrawn from society, preferring solitary existence.
If you have a caption for this hermit, click on the photo to share it.
Your caption may be posted next week with a link to your blog.
Look out for Monkey Business in the next post.

Camera Critters


  1. Monkeys? Oh dear.... I just hate them to tell you the truth!
    Anyway they are very smart animal!

  2. Fajne małpki :)

  3. I find monkeys extremely entertaining. Of course I have only seen them at the zoo, never encountered them in the wild. Are they friendly? Super photos! I like the first two monkeys the best.

  4. I think monkeys are an animal to keep your distance from. My husband's cousin has a rehabilitation center for monkeys and chimps and it is right in the city. They are not so friendly. Plus in Costa Rica had some scary experiences with them. You have some great photos of them. They would be far worse than squirrels in a garden!

  5. They can be fascinating to watch. I did some watching too on those cheeky creatures while on my daily morning walks. They can be quite scary sometimes like Donna said.

  6. I too think monkeys are quite fascinating but I am not sure I would want to get quite as close to them as you do taking your photos!

  7. :)) tnx for sharing about monkeys, it was nice.

  8. Fascinating post. I think I'll have to add "see monkeys in the wild" to my to-do list! I wonder what it would be like to have them wandering into your garden?

  9. I have not been visiting the monkeys in Kuala Selangor for years. The babies are golden aren't they in their mom arms.

  10. Monkeys are smart animals. Sometimes we learn from them, at other times, they learn from us. That's why we have the saying, 'Monkeys see monkeys do'. In Chinese tea, there is a tea called 'mah lau meet' meaning monkey's pick. This is suppose to be the best quality tea.

  11. Love monkey caption would be "The Dawn of Man"

  12. I love the collage of facial expressions! So cute!!

  13. Where were all these monkeys that you took photos of? Do they live around you "in the wild"?

  14. Love the photos - they are fun to watch. I wouldn't want them near my garden, though. I wonder if they think we're as silly as we think they are!

  15. I think I would like the view atop the tree. These are so cute!

  16. Yeap, you got a good shot of the primate with the first shot!

  17. Beautiful expressions you got there. You are lucky they cooperated with you. I noticed they are not well controlled in Malaysia, maybe if they will all be allowed like that, they will eventually encroach on peoples areas, and that's risky. I also saw some monkeys roaming in tourist areas in Cambodia, and of course they roam free in India. Traffic just stop to let them play on the roads.

  18. I love how human like monkeys are but I'm not sure I'd want them to get too close. Great photos!!! They look like little furry people. :o)

  19. You've captured a lot of wonderful expressions in these images. Well done!

  20. What wonderful shots!

  21. Wow! So many great photos. I was going to say that I loved the first two, but then I scrolled down and saw the awesome collages. What a neat place you have to visit those monkeys!

  22. Great captures, and yes they are very close to us in so many ways:)

  23. Lovely to see what animals other gardeners have to deal with in their part of the world. I'll bet a monkey is quite a handful compared to a squirrel!

  24. Love the eyebrows on the first shot and I always love watching the facial expressions of monkeys they are brilliant, so expressionate.

  25. Very nice, I love all the monkeys and their expressions. Great captures.

  26. They are beautiful.

    My Critter post, please come and see.

  27. I think monkeys are soooo fascinating. I'd be scared to meet one though!
