


What are orbs? Specks of moisture, dust, energy or could they be spirits? Maybe it could be all of them depending on which orb we look at.

From my experience, orbs appear very frequently in the photos taken in the evening. Some are quite beautiful especially the gold one below. Could the Gold Orb be a yellow colour pollen floating near the camera lense?

This is Archangels Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael merged together. They are bringing peace and calm to the area. This Orb is specially helpful for those lightworkers who are feeling the stresses, strains and pressures of the energy shifts as we move towards 2012.

This Orb bathes you in peace and relaxation and is a reward from Source for your efforts. You are reminded that you are important and the spiritual hierarchy is pleased with you. (Diana Cooper and Kathy Crosswell)

This is an angel of love with a fairy and energy from Archangel Chamuel. (Diana Cooper and Kathy Crosswell)

Diana Cooper and Kathy Crosswell have been very kind to offer their view. It is nice to know there are love energies and fairies around. However, could it be possible that the light at the top of the photo may have been caused by a camera strap?

Whatever these orbs are, there is definitely the presence of love energies around.  One of the main sources may be from these affectionate dogs.


  1. Hola, vi tus fotografías, bellas, tus perros, lindos, el cachorro ha crecido mucho. Me encantaría saber que dice esta entrada porque mencionas Arcángeles, pero no se inglés. Lo malo de no aprender. Saludos, cuida tus hermosos perros. a mi me gustan los perros, los amo. pero no me gusta que tengan en casa tortugas. Bye. Gracias por compartir tu blog.
    Desde méxico:

  2. Hi Blanca, Thanks for your comments. I agree turtles should stay in the wild. However, it is not safe for me to release them here. I see fishing nets in the river. The turtle might get trapped in the nets. That's why I decided to let him stay in my garden. He can leave anytime as there is no cage or aquarium to confine him. He wanders around freely.

    The orbs are translated by Diana Cooper. You can find the orb pictures and translation here :

  3. Translated to Spanish for Blanca

    Hola Blanca, Gracias por tus comentarios. Estoy de acuerdo en las tortugas deben permanecer en el medio silvestre. Sin embargo, no es seguro para mí liberación aquí. Veo las redes de pesca en el río. La tortuga podría quedar atrapado en las redes. Es por eso que decidí dejar que se quedara en mi jardín. Se pueden dejar en cualquier momento ya que no hay jaula o acuario para confinarlo. Él vaga libremente.

    Las órbitas son traducidos por Diana Cooper. Usted puede encontrar las imágenes orbe y la traducción aquí:
